Tag Archives: salem

All Around the World

What a week it was! Along with 20 children or so, members of Morningside United Methodist Church and I volunteered in recreation, science, arts, storytelling, making snacks and much singing and laughter. This year the children of the community learned about Japan, Zimbabwe, Mexico, the United Kingdom and Australia. Most importantly though they learned about the importance of being good neighbors.


One might think that children don’t remember much and just enjoy playing games, running around and cutting things up but many children learned the most important thing, it is important to be a good person and kind to others. A third grader, also my brother, Luis, was able to recount stories, about people sharing their food, having faith in God that he will provide, being a good samaritan and so on. The first graders would remember how to greet others based on the country of the day and remember lyrics to songs that were native to the country of the day and sang at the ending ceremony.


Priceless! That is how I would describe this week! Nothing is better than a child singing and saying that they are going to try and be a good neighbor by sharing their toys. Or the laughter and smiles in breaking the pinata! The amazement and slight caution in touching the cactus or the twinkle in their eyes when they finally completed their origami crane.

These activities enlighten children and brings life to their mind, where they begin to ask questions and delve into trying to understand the world or simply becoming aware that WE ARE ALL THE SAME, we are people who want to love and be loved, laugh and have someone makes us laugh. The children learned to care for those ALL AROUND THE WORLD because WE ARE ALL THE SAME, children of God whom he loves equally! Until next year!



“No one has yet fully realized the wealth of sympathy, kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure.” ~Emma Goldman